International development

Do you provide or receive donor funding? Do you understand the complex regulations in the agreement you’ve just signed?

At PwC we work closely with government, donors and recipients of international development assistance to meet the many needs of South Africans. 

How we can help

Do you provide or receive donor funding? Do you understand the complex regulations in the agreement you’ve just signed? Are you concerned about ensuring that you will comply with the contract’s requirements?

Or perhaps your concern has more to do with how to make those limited funds achieve so many objectives? Or even what happens when your project lifecycle comes to an end.

Our aim is to improve the effectiveness of the development assistance by promoting innovation, reducing costs, assuring accountability and establishing results-based management.

At the design stage, we can help you to ensure adequate project implementation structures; including a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework that provides the evidence you need to tell if you’re on track and achieving desired results.

Before we begin, we assess your capacity to manage the projects, the funds and the information. We perform pre-award surveys and capacity assessments that also inform you and your donor of your ability to meet their compliance regulations.

During implementation we can advise you on best-practice in fund management, value for money, monitoring the results and transitioning into self-sustainability.

We provide assurance through special purpose donor fund audits of projects funded by donors such as:

  • U.S. Government – we perform audits in accordance with U.S. Government Auditing Standards for projects and entities funded by USAID, CDC and other U.S. Government Agencies; we are listed as approved auditors by the USAID Regional Inspector General for Audit
  • EuropeAid – we are frequently contracted to audit projects funded by the European Commission and we have in-depth knowledge of their audit guidelines and requirements
  • Bilateral donors such as the U.K. government, Ireland, Switzerland, Sweden and Norway
  • Multi-lateral donors such as UNDP and UNICEF
  • Private foundations

We work with government departments, universities, development finance institutions and NGOs. You can learn more at our infrastructure funding, development and management services offering.

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