Tax and Legal Services

Utilising cutting-edge technology and specialist skills, our Tax and Legal Services assists clients in complying with tax related legislation and regulations.


Increasingly complicated tax legislation means that every industry needs innovative tax consulting and precise compliance services. PwC has specialised expertise across all industries. Let us help you cut through the complexity and think strategically about tax.



PwC Tax services team members sitting together in a meeting room

Tax training and events

Client Tax Training

We host annual Tax training events such as the Annual Tax Update. We provide an overview of the proposed legislative changes, case law and other important tax developments over the past year.

Register for an training event


PwC employees discussing Tax events and training opportunities

Tax Administration online short course

The online short course consists of four modules and assessments. Key concepts are unpacked using interactive activities and a wealth of additional resources are provided. You’ll have access to the knowledge of experienced PwC experts in this field, with the benefit of real-life practical examples.

Register online



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Contact us

Mbai Rashamuse

Mbai Rashamuse

Tax and Legal Services Leader, PwC South Africa

Tel: +27 (0) 11 797 5837

Scott Berry

Scott Berry

Africa Clients and Markets Tax and Legal Leader, PwC South Africa

Tel: +27 (0) 83 406 1820
