

A monthly journal, published by PwC South Africa, that gives informed commentary on current developments in the tax arena, both locally and internationally. 

Through analysis of and comment on new laws and judicial decisions of interest, Synopsis helps executives to identify developments and trends in tax law and revenue practice that may affect their business.

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In this edition:

Synopsis Tax today - June 2024

South Africa’s Constitutional Court handed down its judgment in Coronation Investment Management SA (Pty) Limited v Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service on 21 June 2024. We discuss this landmark decision on the correct interpretation of the definition of a foreign business establishment contained in section 9D(1) of the Income Tax Act. The judgment provides guidance on the approach to determining the meaning of ‘business’ and ‘primary operations’ as contemplated in the foreign business establishment definition. 

In our ‘Tax transparency – Tip of the iceberg series’ we discuss a sustainable tax strategy. In order to meet the demands and expectations of an increasing number of stakeholders, each with their own unique perspective, you must have a trustworthy tax narrative. Building trust with stakeholders through engagement, communicating a clear strategy and being transparent about progress can create resilient stakeholder relationships, attract and retain talent, build brand strength, drive revenue and reduce capital costs.

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Al-Marie Chaffey

Al-Marie Chaffey

Senior Manager , PwC South Africa

Tel: +27 (0) 11 797 5644
