
A monthly journal, published by PwC South Africa, that gives informed commentary on current developments in the tax arena, both locally and internationally. 

Through analysis of and comment on new laws and judicial decisions of interest, Synopsis helps executives to identify developments and trends in tax law and revenue practice that may affect their business.

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In this edition:

Synopsis Tax today - September 2024

In August 2024, we released the first installment in our three-part series on SARS’ efforts in clamping down on personal liability for tax debts under section 183 of the Tax Administration Act, No. 28 of 2011 (“TAA”) read with section 169(1) of the TAA. In our second installment of the series, we delve into the case of Christoffel Hendrik Wiese and Others v Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service (1307/2022) [2024] ZASCA 111 (12 July 2024) (“the Wiese Case”). In the Wiese case, the Supreme Court of Appeal examined whether a tax debt must be an assessed tax liability at the time of asset dissipation as contemplated in section 183 of the TAA. 

In our ‘Tax transparency – Tip of the iceberg series’ we discuss performance management and assurance. In the modern corporate landscape, there is a growing expectation among investors, consumers and stakeholders for companies to demonstrate transparency and uphold ethical standards. Robust tax governance is essential for meeting these expectations and fostering trust. 

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Al-Marie Chaffey

Al-Marie Chaffey

Senior Manager , PwC South Africa

Tel: +27 (0) 11 797 5644
