Smart manufacturing

As with many other industries and sectors, the manufacturing industry has experienced massive disruptions over the last twelve months. The industry has seen factory closures, short-time work, reduced production and demand, impacted supply chains of materials, and closures.

This 'new normal 'has a significant impact on manufacturing processes and technology, cost structures, global delivery models, flexible workforce and digitization as well as the way in which we look and improve these.  

We are ready to support the manufacturing sector to drive down costs and improve efficiencies significantly to remain profitable.

Issues you may be facing

  • How do you leverage emerging technologies such as AI, additive manufacturing, robotics, IoT in the factory to build a competitive advantage?
  • Is your organization equipped to handle aging workforce in your factories?
  • How quickly can you respond to changing consumer demand?
  • Are factory and supply chain decisions being proactively driven by real-time data or reactively by trailing metrics and “intuition”?
  • Is your factory a “black box”, i.e., order status, inventory levels, utilization not known?
  • Has your Lean journey / continuous improvement efforts stalled, i.e., are you not seeing the efficiency improvements you used to see?
  • What degree of transparency do you have in your supply chain; upstream and downstream?


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Industrial manufacturing workforce, today!

smart factories diagram

How we can add value

Improvement opportunities

Rapid, data-led diagnostics for improvement opportunities that often uncover 'pay-for-itself' opportunities such as inventory adjustments, sales and operations planning gaps, factory inefficiencies and bottlenecks.

Factory performance

Solutions that drive improvements in factory performance such as OEE/productivity, quality, visibility and reliability.

Co-designed solutions

Co-designed solutions to enable greater visibility of performance, status, and operating risks (real-time, predictive/prescriptive vs. historic).

Digital technologies

Implementation of digital technologies, and digitisation of operations and support with the change management experience.

Transforming manufacturing and factory environments

Access to proven process accelerators and tools to help businesses radically transform their manufacturing and factory environments.


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Contact us

Pieter Theron

Pieter Theron

Industrials & Services Africa Leader, PwC South Africa

Tel: +27 (0) 11 287 0501
