When your business starts advertising, you sign a marketing services agreement with an agency and work with them to shape a campaign strategy. The business is now actively engaged in the general media ecosystem and needs to deal with various aspects such as pricing, media performance and control frameworks.
Based on our experience, we have often noted that there are gaps between client expectations and agency delivery. Digital performance and ad spend is complex and our research and experience have shown that between 30% - 90% of digital campaign impressions are not delivered fully as intended due to inefficiencies within the media advertising ecosystem.
Our media review services include digital performance reviews, digital supply chain reviews, financial contract reviews, media performance reviews and post-cookie marketing.
We combine deep media agency expertise with PwC professional standards: Our global team includes former media agency leaders and digital/adtech/martech experts, alongside qualified assurance practitioners with high professional standards.
We have a proven track record delivering media review services: Our insights strengthen media spending governance over several years. We also share best practices from other PwC projects and provide specific observations.
We bring unique insight into digital advertising, evidenced by our multi-award-winning programmatic study for ISBA: Our supply chain transparency study has earned 16 prestigious global awards.
We use comprehensive market data instead of opaque cost pool auditing to ensure accurate media benchmarks and avoid costly errors caused by limited data sampling.
We have a track record of success with four of the Top 5 global advertisers and major financial service companies in various markets.
Did your campaign reach the right audience?
Did your campaign deliver real value?
Was the spend of your campaign fully utilised?
Were optimisations and improvements made to your campaign?
Were fraud and viewability checks done on the campaign?
Digital process review: Our unique approach to digital media
This approach offers major efficiency opportunities with quantifiable monetary benefits.
The financial contract review process aims to understand agency costs, fees and income.
The benefits of our approach include:
Our media performance review offering delivers a robust review of delivery versus campaign benefits.
The media review process includes the following:
Professionally rigorous, systematic and detailed reconciliation of all financial and media performance elements.
Combining media experts with qualified financial accountants and assurance practitioners.
Conducted with direct access to agency electronic records and media industry systems.
As a leading professional assurance firm, our media experience is allied with process and controls expertise, and the highest standards of IT security and data confidentiality.
Not a time consuming project for our clients — mostly our time, some agency time.
Considered best practice for commercial governance.
We have a ready-made ‘Marketing Diagnostic Framework’ that can help support your marketing transformation and Marketing team planning/process.
Our Marketing Diagnostic Framework:
The output of our diagnostic provides you with clear pointers on your areas of strengths and weakness versus industry best practice. Our scoring output uses a RAG status for easy identification of areas for improvement. We also deploy tag testing technology to understand your analytics baselines and score your ability to measure Marketing value accurately.
Charles Stuart
Director | Entertainment and Media Specialist, PwC South Africa
Tel: +27 (0) 11 797 4223