
Creating inspirational and effective leaders

The greatest challenge leaders face is managing a successful organisation today - and simultaneously adapting that organisation for the future. 

Businesses go through all sorts of changes during their lifetime, whether it’s a new CEO or management team, acquisition or merger, or implementation of a new strategy. Effective and inspirational leadership is essential during these times of transition, as well as when it’s just business as usual. Underperforming leadership can negatively affect the quality of business decisions, decrease trust in a business and create low employee engagement.

We work with your current and future leaders to ensure that they are competent in dealing with the challenges of a changing world.


PwC professional Woman sitting on the floor and man sitting on a bench
PwC Professional man standing in front of people

Do your leaders have the skills to lead in the new world of work?

  • Are you bringing together a new leadership team and struggling to achieve the results you want? 
  • Do you feel you have leadership development strategies that aren’t delivering the required results? 
  • Are you aware of the impact your leadership has on investor confidence? 
  • Do feel that improving your leadership capability is the key to improving employee engagement?
  • Do you want to develop your future leaders in a systematic and aligned manner that supports your leadership philosophy and framework?
  • Are unaligned or underperforming leadership groups negatively affecting the quality of business decisions and inhibiting delivery? 

How we can help you

Top team effectiveness

We work directly with senior leadership groups to ensure they achieve their designed impact and team performance. Our four step approach - which includes understanding leadership team fundamentals, capabilities for performance, developing the right teaming models, and a focus on emotional commitment - sets a top team on the path to improving its effectiveness and performance.


Leadership assessment & succession planning

We help you to define the leadership capabilities required to execute your business strategy. We analyse individual and future leaders’ skills and capabilities to determine leadership potential and development, and the right pipeline of talent for your organisation. We design individualised development plans for leaders to close the identified gaps, ensuring that leadership capability is  continuously improving  and adapting to the new world of work.

We develop leadership succession frameworks that ensure the organisation has the right leaders in place and in development to ensure sustainability and success. 


Leadership development, design and delivery

We help organisations understand what leadership means for their organisation by defining the core leadership model, which is supported by tools and processes. We work with leadership teams to assess their needs, design, develop and deliver the learning experience, then evaluate to sustain learning.


Leadership through transformational change

Leading an organisation through transformational change requires individuals to take time to understand how they may need to change their personal leadership style and how they work with colleagues to successfully support their organisation and navigate a successful transformation.


Leadership coaching

We support our leadership interventions by observing and coaching leaders in their daily activities in order to anchor desired behaviour into the organisation and provide insight into the results of the leadership development programme. These insights are then incorporated into the leadership interventions.


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Dayalan Govender

Dayalan Govender

People and Organisation Africa Leader, PwC South Africa

Tel: +27 (0) 11 797 4846

Beverley Green

Beverley Green

Associate Director | Leadership Development SME, PwC South Africa

Cherise Louw

Cherise Louw

Workforce of the Future: Purpose Led Empowered Offering Africa Lead, PwC South Africa

Tel: +27 (0) 11 797 4191
