At PwC we have invested substantially to develop a disciplined, standardised methodology to drive audit quality and objectivity. All of our professionals are trained in the same methodology, ensuring the consistently high standards you expect of our firm.
To privately-owned companies we offer the services of trusted business advisors - dedicated staff that are trained and experienced in working with owner-managed and/or family-controlled organisations. Your trusted business advisor approaches your audit from a different perspective since the audit of a privately-owned company is usually conducted in a less complex environment than that of a corporate organisation. Through your trusted business advisor we offer you a “one stop” solution and access to all our services including tax planning, legal advice and a myriad of business advisory services.
We also offer industry expertise and sound working knowledge, best practice and benchmarking opportunities within specific industries. Our high-quality, risk-based audit approach will provide the basis for a meaningful advisory role. Our approach also relies on the support of information system specialists from our Performance Improvement service offering.
In performing your audit, we will strive to go beyond a financial statement opinion to help you identify and manage your risks – control, compliance and operational – as well as generate value-added ideas and solutions. Your relationship with your trusted business advisor ensures that we add value to you at all times.
We will:
Our approach will: