Accounting and Disputes Resolution


Disputes and Expert Accounting offers  the reassurance of an effective response that is supported by a combination of forensic accounting, investigative, valuation and economic skills as well as relevant industry l specialists across the global PwC network.  We help you make well informed decisions, whether in the boardroom or the courtroom.

We engage with our clients on a wide range of matters including:

  • litigation

  • arbitration 

  • mediation 

  • expert determination 

  • regulatory.

We work with our clients and their legal council to establish the facts, analyse the issues and develop a dispute resolution strategy. 

Whether you are already in or contemplating a dispute, we work with you to plan the best response and deal with it effectively.


Man reading about the PwC Forensic services on his laptop.
Man making a phone call

Issues you may be facing

  • Disagreement:an argument or a situation in which people do not have the same opinion” (Cambridge University)
  • Entities or individuals have various disagreements in the course of business including for example:
  • Commercial disputes and related damages quantification including:
    • Breach of contract.
    • Fiduciary disputes.
    • Insurance claims.
    • Loss of profit or business interruption.
    • Supply chain disputes
    • Intellectual property infringements.
    • Economic losses.
  • Transaction and shareholder disputes including:
    • Earn out, breach of warranty and purchase price disputes
    • Expert accountant / determination clauses
  • Capital projects and infrastructure disputes including:
    • Project management, programming and delay aspects with regard to capital projects.
  • Other quantum related matters required in or prior to legal proceedings

PwC Disputes

In today's business world, a dispute can take many forms. You could be facing a breach of contract or of warranty, delays on a capital project, joint venture setbacks, or a major insurance claim. Resolving disputes can be complex and puzzling, and in a globalised world you can face unfamiliar and sometimes conflicting.

These bullet points can be made one as they speak to the same thing just in different wording.

Our methodology includes answering key questions that allow us to:

  • Crystallise and separate the quantum issues.
  • Pinpoint key factors for sensitivity analysis.
  • Determine the affected period.
  • Compare projections with historical information.
  • Establish a sound basis for comparison.
  • Develop a financial model.
  • Establish a range of values for a likely outcome.

How we can add value

Commercial disputes

We assist with quantification, trial preparation, discovery assistance and providing evidence in legal proceedings.

Alternative dispute resolution

We act as independent adjudicators, commercial arbitrators and mediators as well as assist with the preparation as experts for submissions to various forums.

Transaction and shareholder disputes

We act as independent valuation experts when for example parties cannot agree on the  warranty or earn-out calculations or the full / portion of purchase price to be paid.

Capital projects and infrastructure disputes

We support the process by assessing the quantum of claims and assisting with preparations for trial.

International arbitration

We help clients to investigate, assess and prepare for commercial and treaty-based claims, working closely with them at each stage of the dispute resolution process.

Insurance claims services

We provide assistance in managing claims, including personal injury, property, business interruption, professional liability, product recall etc and quantifying resulting losses – both for clients bringing claims and for insurance companies, Government bodies, and other entities responding to and defending claims.

e-Discovery solutions

Electronic Discovery (or e-disclosure) refers to the process where electronic data is required, then discovered, secured, processed and analysed for relevant data to be used (presented) as evidence. We make use of industry leading procedures and methodology to ensure that the integrity and quality of the data is not compromised and that data is processed in an efficient and cost-effective manner.


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Contact us

Trevor White

Trevor White

Partner , PwC South Africa

Tel: +27 (0) 31 271 2020

Greg Truter

Greg Truter

Director, PwC South Africa

Tel: +27 (0) 83 276 1776

Jana Calmeyer

Jana Calmeyer

Associate Director, PwC South Africa

Tel: +27 (0) 11 797 4116
