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Our proactive fraud risk consulting services are designed for organisations that wish to prevent, detect and appropriately respond to fraud. We can help such organisations strengthen their defence lines and manage their economic crime risks as well as ethics risks.
Our solutions include bench-marking fraud prevention strategies, advising on ethics management, developing and reviewing fraud and ethics codes and policies, conducting fraud risk and, ethics risk assessments, and providing fraud and ethics training.
We are able to provide training solutions that best suit our clients' needs, whether they are classroom style, virtual, online or tailor made e-learnings.
Data analytics plays an important role in fraud prevention and detection. Our Forensic Investigation Technology Services team uses methodologies that incorporate world-class data analytics tools for their fraud detection reviews and responses.
We also provide elections management services to various industries. This includes the election of trustees for medical schemes. Our elections solutions provide added security and independent oversight that can stand the test of any regulatory scrutiny.
PwC can support organisations in taking a proactive stance to shape and manage their fraud risks. We offer ethics interventions that are aimed at helping clients set the tone for ethical business conduct, and we provide elections management solutions to organisations in various industries. Our solutions are:
Our solutions range from conducting gap analyses of organisations’ anti-fraud governance policies and developing and reviewing fraud prevention policies, to conducting fraud risk assessments and education and awareness training, as listed below:
Gap analyses/Assessments of fraud controls, and Fraud and corruption awareness training. The role of data analytics plays an important role.
Placing the spotlight on achieving an ethical corporate culture will help employees and stakeholders of organisations to align their personal values with organisational values.
Our ethics interventions framework is based on leading best practice, including the King IV Report on Corporate Governance for South Africa, 2016, and the Companies Act, 2008.
In addition to responding to the demands placed on them by the usual business challenges, those charged with governance as well as all levels of employee within organisations, have also had to confront ever-evolving ethical dilemmas.
We offer ethics interventions aimed at assisting clients to set the tone for ethical business conduct through:
The development and benchmarking of ethics policies and guiding documents, including:
We are election experts and can provide organisations with tailor made solutions to meet all requirements from an internal policies and regulatory requirements perspective.
We assist our clients with the management of and oversight over the following:
Online elections are conducted through our online PwC voting platform.
Our AGM and SGM support includes: