We strive to nurture a diverse and inclusive culture that makes it easy for people to feel free and express their ideas openly. We do this through a number of people networks – Shine is one of them.
In 2019 we aligned all our global LGBT+ networks under one fresh, new identity: Shine. Every day, our LGBT+ professionals shine. We bring our authentic selves to PwC, making our workplace culture brighter. The rainbow is a powerful symbol for our community because it allows each distinct colour to shimmer and shine.
The name Shine also reflects our vision of creating a welcoming, inclusive workplace atmosphere for our LGBT+ colleagues. With Shine, our people shine the light on the important issues that impact our diverse and under-represented community. Every day, we work hard to continue building trust in society, to make our workplace and our culture stronger, and to create brighter opportunities that let each and every one of us truly shine. Shine. A simple, powerful idea.