PwC is a proud supporter of the LGBT+ community

PwC is a proud supporter of the LGBT+ community

PwC Shine Flag

“I’m proud that at PwC, everyone is valued, regardless of sexuality, race, gender, religion or ability. This speaks to our core values and the behaviours we expect of our people. We don’t tolerate discrimination on any grounds and actively value the differences of our people.” Dion Shango, PwC Africa CEO



PwC Shine Africa network pride month 

To mark Pride2020, Shine Africa network participated in the #JerusalemaDanceChallenge. We’ve also challenged our global Shine network community to join in and celebrate along with us. It’s important that we continue to connect and create a sense of community across Shine territories globally.

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At PwC, we’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace where everyone can be themselves, including our lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT+) people. From sponsoring pride parades around the world, to adding respect for sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression into our Global Code of Conduct, to issuing a Global Human Rights statement, there are many examples of PwC’s commitment to LGBT+ inclusion around the world. Supporting LGBT+ inclusion isn’t just the right thing to do. An inclusive workplace enables us to embrace the diverse backgrounds and perspectives of all our people to create better outcomes for clients and society.


Three Flags



At PwC, we’re proud of our open and inclusive culture. Here’s how our LGBT+ community and allies celebrate our differences and uniqueness, and make sure that everyone can be themselves and fulfill their greatest potential:

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At PwC, we’re proud of our open and inclusive culture. Here’s how our LGBT+ community and allies celebrate our differences and uniqueness, and make sure that everyone can be themselves and fulfil their greatest potential.

Shining a light on LGBT+ inclusion

Shine’s sponsoring partner, who is also PwC’s Emma Whalley-Hands.

We strive to nurture a diverse and inclusive culture that makes people to feel free.

The Summit brought together 200 PwC LGBT+ leaders and staff.

In 2019 the South African Workplace Equality Index awarded PwC a gold medal.

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Shine Africa Vision

Our Shine Africa vision is based on five fundamental pillars, all with the same common goal; ensuring that PwC offers a workplace where diversity is celebrated. These five pillars are:


Shine Pillars

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Etienne Dreyer

Emma Whalley-Hands

Director | Value Preservation & Operational Restructuring, PwC South Africa

Marcia Mokone

Marcia Mokone

Transformation, Diversity and Inclusion Leader, PwC Southern Africa

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