Performance summary

Sun shining through bridge beams.

Our lines of service delivered mostly positive results, driven by our focus on being client-centric, developing our people and embracing new technologies.

2020 has seen all of our lines of service looking at new ways of meeting the evolving needs of our clients, while at the same time maintaining the high standards of service and quality that underpin the PwC brand.

This has seen innovation and digital transformation playing a key role, and the upskilling of our people taking priority. In this reimagined world, this approach has seen our lines of service deliver mostly positive results, reflective of the climate in which we have found ourselves during this extraordinary year.

Read our Assurance, Advisory and Tax and Legal services performance summaries here:


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 Rianté Padayachee

Rianté Padayachee

Media and Communications Specialist, PwC South Africa

Tel: +27 (0) 11 797 5727

Verena Koobair

Verena Koobair

Head of Communications and Societal Purpose Firm Pillar Lead, PwC South Africa

Tel: +27 (0) 11 797 4873
