The landscape
In November 2021, the Nairobi Securities Exchange published the Nairobi Securities Exchange ESG Disclosures Guidance Manual (the “Guidance Manual”). The Guidance Manual is aimed at improving and standardising the ESG information reported by listed companies in Kenya. While the Guidance Manual mandates the NSE-listed companies to disclose tax related information under the Economic topic, it does not provide guidance on the level of details required. Instead, the Guidance Manual lists several documents and standards that companies can leverage on in reporting the ESG disclosures. One such standard is the GRI Standards.
In addition to the above, the adoption of the IFRS Sustainability Standards, that is, IFRS S1 and IFRS S2 is currently voluntary in Kenya. Mandatory adoption will be required from 1 January 2027 for Public Interest Entities (“PIEs”), 1 January 2028 for large non-PIEs and 1 January 2029 for SMEs.
The Kenyan regulatory space regarding public tax disclosures is therefore in the nascent stage. Currently, all tax disclosures on aspects such as tax strategy, total tax contribution data and tax risk management are on a voluntary basis.
Ten out of the 65 companies on the Nairobi Securities Exchange.
None of the Kenyan companies in the global review published their tax strategies or explained their approach to transfer pricing. Only two disclosed their governing body’s responsibility for the tax strategy, and there were no disclosures by any companies on tax incentives or compliance commitments. Only four companies identified tax as a business risk, while two discussed their approach to managing tax risks. In the integrated and sustainability reports reviewed, reconciliation between the effective and statutory tax rates was often missing or inadequate. There was also a critical lack of discussion on the impact of tax legislation changes and forecasts of future tax payments. None of the companies in the global review linked tax to ESG goals or discussed the benefits of tax transparency for stakeholders. Only one company mentioned using GRI 207 as their guiding framework for public tax disclosures.