Cybersecurity and privacy


As companies pivot more toward digital business models, exponentially more data is generated and shared among organisations, partners and customers. This digital information has become the lifeblood of the interconnected business ecosystem and is increasingly valuable to organisations and to skilled threat actors. Increasing digitisation also means companies are exposed to new digital vulnerabilities, making an effective approach to cybersecurity and privacy more important than ever.

We help our clients transform from value protectors to value creators by building trust, promoting resilience and enabling the business. We’re here to help you transform your organisation and drive growth, while staying resilient and preparing for the unexpected.


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Cybersecurity services

PwC's Cybersecurity Competency Leader, Hamil Bhoora, discussing how PwC helps clients to build trust and deliver sustained outcomes through its range of Cybersecurity services.

Issues you may be facing

  • How secure are you against threats relating to remote working?
  • Are you aware of who has access to what resources in your ecosystem?
  • Which of your network systems (IP devices) are vulnerable to attack?
  • Is your organisation handling personal information, and is that information secure?
  • Do you have security intelligence and real-time threat detection capabilities?
  • Are you geared up to respond to a breach and crisis?
  • How confident are your stakeholders in the organisation’s cybersecurity posture and resilience?
  • Have you considered cybersecurity risks relating to next gen and cloud technologies?


How we can help you

Data protection and privacy

We help clients to understand data lifecycles to protect data, meet the privacy expectations of consumers, and comply with applicable privacy regulations. This translates into assisting clients with risk management and compliance in privacy regulations such as POPIA and GDPR. We use a defined, holistic framework designed to enable organisations to leverage good practices that can be tailored to address their unique privacy vision and risk exposure. Our sub-offerings include risk analysis and data discovery, gap assessment and remediation roadmap, POPIA programme implementation, POPIA programme readiness, and ongoing programme operation and monitoring.

Explore more about our POPIA services here.

Strategy and transformation

We help clients develop business-focused strategies that support growth, by making security and privacy an enterprise-wide priority. We also help to formulate the organisation’s cyber strategy and ensure it’s linked to the business strategy, and with operationalising and reporting to the Board. Our sub-offerings include assessing the fundamentals, transforming the program, enabling compliance, as well as operating and sustaining cybersecurity.

Implement, integrate and build

We assist clients with architecting, designing, implementing and enhancing the use of technology to support with cyber threat defence. This includes helping them to understand and manage security as they embark on new technologies or change business models, and ensuring that they’re realising the benefits of these technologies. Our sub-offerings include framework implementation, identity and access management, cloud security, data protection, analytics and monitoring, as well as network security.

Managed services

Our managed security services are tailor-made security services for clients who want to effectively detect and respond to cybersecurity threats on an ongoing basis. Our team brings together highly skilled security professionals, leading edge technology and a process-oriented approach. Managed security services operate 24/7 as an extended arm of your security teams, providing you with cybersecurity management, detection and response capabilities with minimal initial investment. Our sub-offerings include cyber as a service, operating and sustaining, security operations, secure development as well as governance.

Incident and threat management

We help clients with confidently preparing for, identifying, responding to, investigating and remediating threats. This includes helping them respond and recover quickly and successfully, by being prepared in advance and having the expertise and structure to guide them through such exceptional circumstances. We can provide you with practical support to prepare for and respond to a cyber incident, helping to ensure business continuity while any recovery efforts take place. Our sub-offerings include incident response, threat intelligence and information sharing, incident readiness and incident management as well as cyber penetration testing.

Watch our videos on cybersecurity

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The human firewall (awareness/phishing)

Who handles cyber at your organisation? If your answer is, ‘everyone,’ you're on the right track. From the boardroom to the break room, cyber is now everybody's business — because digitisation means every aspect of every organisation is now at risk. Empower your employees to become your organisation’s first line of

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Cyber Risk Quantification

Every connection brings new possibilities and makes us more vulnerable. That's why, in business as in life, trust is essential to good relationships. The more your customers and business partners trust you to keep them safe and their data private, the more they'll do business with you. Move forward with confidence,


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Contact us

Hamil Bhoora

Hamil Bhoora

Director | Cyber Security Leader, PwC South Africa

Tel: +27 (0) 11 797 4102

Ahmed Chohan

Ahmed Chohan

Director | Cybersecurity, Privacy and Forensics, PwC South Africa

Tel: +27 (0) 11 209 4067
