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In a changing world where transparency has become key to accountability, the risk of conflicts of interest within an organisation can be detrimental. Whilst disclosures are important, the active management of disclosures become key to keeping your people honest and your organisation beyond reproach. With existing paper-based systems that are used for the disclosure of business interests of employees and board members within the public and private sectors, the risk exposure to business is tremendous.
At PwC, we have adapted to the new environment we find ourselves in and have embraced new methods to address this important business imperative. Through our secure, automated, web-based MyDisclosureTM suite of solutions, we help our clients embrace the era of automation. Through active integration of publically available data and the benefits of our Global intelligence solutions, we bring the power of collaboration to bear in the area of disclosure management and vetting. Our solution provides accessibility, ease-of-use, as well as additional built-in functionality, scalable data interrogation and cross-referencing capability that will serve to enhance the quality of data obtained and allow our clients a holistic view of what has been disclosed and that which has not been.
We use complex data analytics to identify potential conflicts of interest/red flags and has detailed reporting and search capabilities.