PwC South Africa + Salesforce

Trusted global partners transforming the customer experience

Delivering next-level customer experiences with Salesforce

At PwC, we work at the intersection of business and technology to provide innovation to fuel your customer experience. We can help you deliver the seamless "anywhere, anytime" access your customers have come to expect by combining our business and strategy experience, with our award-winning solutions powered by Salesforce technology to enable transformation across your business.

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PwC South Africa won the first Salesforce Community Impact Partner 2022 award in recognition of the difference PwC made in the community by contributing to building skills in the local ecosystem. 

In 2022, the Customer Transformation team onboarded 30 graduates from the South African government’s Sector Education and Training Authority, SETA. This was a first for the Customer Transformation team.

The PwC Salesforce internship programme was designed to take a subset of those students and go beyond a regular internship, by aiming to develop well-rounded individuals who can thrive as professionals at PwC. The programme is designed to empower them across the five dimensions of the PwC Professional as well as making them a Salesforce professional — thus a true Salesforce Trailblazer.

With the help of a team of associates, we put together a programme that included Salesforce training, BxT training, Design Thinking, and hands-on learning; ensuring these young individuals learn something new every day during their year with PwC. So significant has their growth been that they are also contributing to active pursuits.

The interns have demonstrated exceptional performance, meeting and exceeding expectations. We take pride in the potential exhibited by this group of interns and Salesforce’s acknowledgement of PwC’s contribution to our society.

Salesforce Award 2022

PwC’s award-winning work with Salesforce

PwC is regularly recognised by the analyst community as a leader in Salesforce implementations. PwC has been consistently honoured by Salesforce with Global Strategic Partner Innovation Awards. Since our participation in the award program in 2013, PwC has won more awards than any other systems integrator.



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A journey in the life of a PwC employee

PwC’s community of solvers sharing their experience of our fun culture, how we collaborate to solve problems together
and caring for one another.


A story of sustainable impact and purpose

PwC & The Johannesburg Children's Home

The Johannesburg Children’s Home (JCH) is the oldest of its kind in the city. When home needed to improve their manual, paper-based administration, PwC’s community of solvers came together and designed, built and implemented a digital solution using the Salesforce Non-profit Success Pack. This video tells the story of what PwC and the Johannesburg Children’s Home have been able to create together.

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Jesse Twum-Boafo

Jesse Twum-Boafo

Associate Director | Salesforce Practice Lead, PwC South Africa

Tel: +27 (0) 76 225 3270

Caren du Toit

Caren du Toit

Senior Manager | Salesforce Alliance Driver, PwC South Africa

Tel: +27 (0) 73 627 1468
